It always continues to amaze me how few people are still unaware of the benefits of taking colloidal silver as a way to prevent catching the latest flu bug, or to minimize the effects of a cold or flu if it has already begun to take hold. I've owned a colloidal silver generator for years, and I believe every household should have one.
Buying colloidal silver in a health food store, or even a place like Walmart, is rather expensive when you consider that you could make your own for only pennies. A 4 ounce bottle sells for anywhere from about $20-40 or more but you can easily make your own for almost nothing, once you have a generator. For colloidal silver to really be effective, I find you need to use more than just a few miserly drops, which is what you tend to do when paying full retail price for it.
Although I don't take it every day, when I've been exposed to someone with a cold or other illness, or I feel a few symptoms coming on, I may take 1-2 ounces of the stuff anywhere from 3-5 times a day! To buy it at retail, you would need several bottles. Although that may sound expensive, it's usually still cheaper than going to the doctor.
The way colloidal silver works, as I understand it, is that it destroys the enzymes the viruses or bacteria need in order to reproduce. Taken early in the onset of a bug, it can greatly reduce the duration or intensity of a cold or flu, or even prevent it altogether.
When my mother got a very nasty pinkeye infection after being in a hospital, I put drops of colloidal silver in her eye several times a day and her eye was almost completely healed in about 48 hours! This stuff is great and has so many uses. It's easy to drink because it mostly tastes like water, and doesn't burn if you put it on a wound, or even in your eyes!
I am not a doctor, just an interested consumer and health-conscious person. I am always on the lookout for the latest discovery or breakthrough in natural health, so am open to information that may be helpful, but has not necessarily been subjected to the rigors of FDA testing (that's a subject for another post, but there's plenty of information abounding on the internet about how jaded the FDA is, as well as other organizations "dedicated" to research for the cures to various ills).
Colloidal silver has been around for a long time now, and has been "road-tested" by thousands of people like myself, who find it to be effective. My husband was diagnosed with the Hepatitis C virus over 10 years ago and has taken more colloidal silver than anyone I know, for years. Although he has remained symptom-free since his diagnosis, he probably averages taking an ounce of colloidal silver a day whether he has other symptoms or not. If he feels a cold coming on he takes more. And his skin hasn't turned blue!!
When I tell a lot of people about colloidal silver, they sometimes object because they've heard about a man who turned blue after taking large amounts of it, and are afraid to give it a try. The man was featured on a TV program, which gave colloidal silver a lot of negative publicity. But in my humble opinion, that experience was a rare exception and the man took way too much of it. I believe colloidal silver is a godsend.
Back in the old days, when people ate off silverware that was actually made of silver, they got minute amounts of silver without having to take a supplement. Nowadays, almost no one uses real silver on a daily basis so we don't get that benefit. Did you know that in the old days people sometimes placed a silver coin in their stored milk? Supposedly it kept the milk from spoiling as quickly.
If you would like more information about colloidal silver, it's uses and where to buy a generator, I always tell people Steve Barwick is the go-to guy online for that info. He is at He has a very informative email newsletter you can sign up for and receive free. No, I don't have any connection to his company other than the fact that I've bought 2 colloidal silver generators from them - one was a gift to a friend. My own generator has worked well for nearly 10 years now.
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